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M. Cristina Alcalde

Ph.D., Anthropology, Indiana University
M.A., Latin American Studies, Indiana University

M. Cristina Alcalde is Professor of Gender and Women's Studies and Marie Rich Endowed Professor.  She serves as Associate Dean of Inclusion and Internationalization in the College of Arts and Sciences. She is also Director of the new Online Graduate Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion. Between 2011 and 2015, she served as Faculty Co-Director of A&S Wired Residential College. She served as Director of Graduate Studies in Gender and Women's Studies until Spring 2017. She is an affiliate faculty member in Social Theory, Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies, and Anthropology. Her research areas include gender violence, migration, exclusion, and race and racialization. 

Her most recent book is Peruvian Lives across Borders: Power, Exclusion, and Home (2018, University of Illinois Press). It is based on multi-sited research in Peru, the U.S., Canada, and Germany. Her other publications include The Woman in the Violence: Gender, Poverty, and Resistance in Peru (2010), La mujer en la violencia (Spanish edition, published in 2014 by the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos and the Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Católica del Perú), and a co-edited book (with J. Zavala), Visiones del Perú de académicos peruanos en Estados Unidos (Visions of Peru of Peruvian Academics in the United States (2008). She is also co-editor, with Susan Bordo and Ellen Rosenman, of Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought (2015, University of California Press).

She has also published articles in the journals Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism; the Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology; Latin American Perspectives; Journal of Consumer Culture; Latino Studies; Sexualities; Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies; JARM: Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering; Men and Masculinities; the Journal of Popular Culture; Journal of Gender Studies; Chicana/Latina Studies; Feminist Formations; Global Networks; and Sexualities. Her work has also appeared in book chapters in collections including Local Violence, Global Media: Feminist Analyses of Gendered Representations, Anthropology at the Front Lines of Gender-Based Violence, and Teacher, Scholar, Mother: Re-Envisioning Motherhood in the Academy.

During April-July 2013, she was an invited visiting professor in the Gender Studies Program at the Pontificia Universidad Católica in Lima, Perú, where she taught a seminar on feminicide and intersectionality. During June 2018, she was an invited visiting professor in the Gender Studies Program at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, Germany, where she taught a seminar on gender and migration. Her current research project examines contemporary Chinese-Peruvian experiences of identity, belonging, and exclusion both in Peru and transnationally.

Dr. Alcalde also provides expert witness testimony for domestic violence asylum cases, and is a member of the Kentucky Advisory Committee of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.



Research Interests:
gender violence
Latin America
race and racialization
Critical Social Theory
return migration
exclusion and belonging
Latinxs in the U.S.


2018    Peruvian Lives across Borders: Power, Exclusion, and Home. University of Illinois Press.

2015 Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought. Co-editor, with Susan Bordo and Ellen Rosenman. University of California Press.

2014   La mujer en la violencia: Género, pobreza, y resistencia en el Perú. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos and Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.  (Spanish edition of The Woman in the Violence)

2010  The Woman in the Violence: Gender, Poverty, and Resistance in Peru. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.

2008  Visión del Perú de académicos peruanos en Estados Unidos (Vision of Peru of Peruvian Academics in the United States). Co-editor, with Joseph Zavala. Lima: Academia Diplomática del Perú.

Selected Peer-Reviewed Journals

2020              "Coloniality, Belonging, and Indigeneity in Peruvian Migration Narratives." Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies. Published Online first.


2020              "Gender, Autonomy, and Return Migration: Negotiating Street Harassment in Lima, Peru." Global Networks 20 (1): 25-40.

2019              "Home and the Limits of Belonging: Homophobia and Return Migration to Peru." Sexualities 22 (5/6): 916-931.

2016              "Racializing Undocumented Immigrants in the Age of Colorblindness: Millennials' Views from Kentucky." Latino Studies 14 (2): 234-257.

2015              “Transformative Journeys: The Impact of First-Time Motherhood on Mexican Women’s Migration Experiences in the US South.” Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal    of     Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social.

2014               “An Intersectional Approach to Latino Anti-Violence Engagement.” Culture, Society & Masculinities  6 (1): 35-51.

2014                “What it Means to be a Man? Violence and Homophobia in Latino Masculinities On and Off Screen.” Journal of Popular Culture 47 (3): 537-554.

2013                 “Feminist Identification and Women’s Control over their Bodies in a Neoliberal Context: A Closer Look at Pregnant Women on Bed Rest.” Feminist Formations 25 (3): 33-56.

2013               “Positive Themes in LGBT Self-Identities in Spanish-Speaking Countries.” Co-authored with Maria Almario, Ellen Riggle, Sharon Rostosky. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice,                 Consultation 2 (1): 1-13.

2013                “Exploring Knowledge, Belief and Experiences in Sexual and Reproductive Health in Immigrant Hispanic Women.” Co-authored with Ana Maria Quelopana. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Published Online first, March 9, 2013.

2013               “Latin American Immigrant Women and the Intergenerational Transformation of Sexual Education.” Co-authored with Ana Maria Quelopana. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society, and Learning 13 (3): 291-304. 

2011               “To Make it Through Each Day Still Pregnant’: Towards an Understanding of Women’s Experiences of Pregnancy Bed Rest. Journal of Gender Studies 20 (3): 209-221.

2011               “Masculinities in Motion: Latino Men and Violence in Kentucky.” Men and Masculinities 14 (4): 450-469.

2010               “Violence Across Borders: Familism, Hegemonic Masculinity, and Self-Sacrificing Femininity in the Lives of Mexican and Peruvian Migrants.” Latino Studies 8 (1): 48-68.

2009               “Empowered Mothering among Poor Latina Women in Abusive Relationships.” Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering 11(2): 134-142.

2009                “Between Indians and Incas: Inca Kola and Race in the Construction of a Peruvian-Global Modernity.” Journal of Consumer Culture 9 (1): 31-54.             

2007                “Going Home: A Feminist Anthropologist’s Reflections on Dilemmas of Power and Positionality in the Field.” Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 7 (2): 143-162.

2007                “'Why Would You Marry a Serrana?' Women’s Experiences of Identity-Based Violence in the Intimacy of their Homes in Lima.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology12 (1): 1-24.  Featured article

2006                “The Roles of Migration and Class in Women’s Attempts to Escape Violence in Lima, Peru.” Latin American Perspectives 33 (6): 147-164


Selected Book Chapters

2015                            “Doing Research and Teaching on Masculinities and Violence: One Mother of Sons Perspective.”  In Teacher, Scholar, Mother: (Re)Envisioning Motherhood in the    Academy, ed. Amy Young. New York: Lexington Books.

2015                “Introduction: The Challenges of Constructing a Transnational History.” In Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought. Co-authored with Susan Bordo and Ellen Rosenman. University of California Press.

2015               “Mothers, Guerrillas, and Revolutionaries: Women’s Mobilization and Activism in times of Political Repression.” Essay for Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought. University of California Press.

2015                “Feminist Organizing Around Violence Against Women in Mali, Peru, and India.”  Co-authored essay with Srimati Basu and Emily Burrill. Essay Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought. University of California Press.

2011                            “Institutional Resources (Un)Available: The Effects of Police Attitudes and Actions on Battered Women in Peru.”  Anthropology at the Front Lines of Gender-Based Violence, edited by Jennifer Wies and Hillary Haldane. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.

2009                 “Ripped from the Headlines: Newspaper Depictions of Battered Women in Peru.”  In Local Violence, Global Media: Feminist Analyses of Gendered Representations, edited by Lisa Cuklanz and Sujata Moorti. Pp. 46-64. Peter Lang Publishers.


Other Publications

2020             Co-authored with Mangala Subramaniam. "Women in Leadership: Challenges and Recommendations." Inside Higher Ed, July 16, 2020.

2019             Co-authored with Gabriela Alcalde and Gonzalo Alcalde. "Transnational Considerations in Equity Work in Three Contexts: Higher Education, Philanthropy and Public Policy." Integral Leadership Review. Available at


Encyclopedia Entries and Essays

2011   “Gender Politics” essay for The Encyclopedia of Latino/a Politics, Law and Social Movements, edited by Suzanne Oboler. New York: Oxford University Press.

2011 “Peru” entry for The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, edited by Mary Zeiss Stange, Carol Oyster, and Geoffrey Golson. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

2010 “Peru” entry for The Encyclopedia of Motherhood, edited by Andrea O’Reilly. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Selected Interviews and Popular Press

2017  Interview with La República about gender violence in Peru. Link:…

2014 Interview with El Comercio about “La mujer en la violencia.” Link:…

2013 “Entrevista a Cristina Alcalde: Interseccionalidad y Violencia.” La Colmena Journal, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Link: /category/noticias/