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B Charlin

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Fernandez, N. ., Foucault, A. ., Dube, S. ., Robert, D. ., Lafond, C. ., Vincent, A. ., … Charlin, B. . (2016). Learning-by-Concordance (LbC): introducing undergraduate students to the complexity and uncertainty of clinical practice. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 7(2), e104-e113.
Foucault, A. ., Dube, S. ., Fernandez, N. ., Gagnon, R. ., & Charlin, B. . Learning medical professionalism with the online concordance-of-judgment learning tool (CJLT): A pilot study. Medical Teacher, 37(10), 955-60. (Original work published 2015)
Foucault, A. ., Dube, S. ., Fernandez, N. ., Gagnon, R. ., & Charlin, B. . (2014). The concordance of judgement learning tool. Medical Education, 48(5), 541-2.