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DAN Chapa

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Chapa, D. ., Hagan, K. ., Forbush, K. ., Perko, V. ., Sorokina, D. ., Alasmar, A. ., … Stewart, T. . (2018). The Athletes’ Relationships with Training scale (ART): A self-report measure of unhealthy training behaviors associated with eating disorders. The International Journal of Eating Disorders, 51(9), 1080-1089.
Forbush, K. ., Song, Q. ., Tay, L. ., , Chapa, D. ., Cushing, C. ., & Ptomey, L. . (2020). Do differences between individuals who are healthy weight or overweight on self-report measures of disinhibited eating and restrained eating reflect reality or item "bias"?. Psychological Assessment, 32(6), 553-567.
Chapa, D. ., Hagan, K. ., Forbush, K. ., Clark, K. ., Tregarten, J. ., & Argue, S. . (2020). Longitudinal trajectories of behavior change in a national sample of patients seeking eating-disorder treatment. The International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53(6), 917-925.
Vidaña, A. ., Forbush, K. ., Barnhart, E. ., Chana, M. ., Chapa, D. ., Richson, B. ., & Thomeczek, M. . (2020). Impact of trauma in childhood and adulthood on eating-disorder symptoms. Eating Behaviors, 39, 101426.
Chapa, D. ., Kite, B. ., Forbush, K. ., Tregarthen, J. ., & Argue, S. . (2020). Eating-disorder psychopathology and driven exercise change models: A latent change score analysis. The International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53(12), 2013-2025.
Forbush, K. ., Bohrer, B. ., Hagan, K. ., Chapa, D. ., , Richson, B. ., … Wildes, J. . (2020). Development and initial validation of the Eating Pathology Symptoms Inventory-Clinician-Rated Version (EPSI-CRV). Psychological Assessment, 32(10), 943-955.
Perko, V. ., Forbush, K. ., Christensen, K. ., Richson, B. ., Chapa, D. ., Bohrer, B. ., & Griffiths, S. . (2021). Validation of the factor structure of the Eating Pathology Symptoms Inventory in an international sample of sexual minority men. Eating Behaviors, 42, 101511.
Richson, B. ., Forbush, K. ., Chapa, D. ., , Perko, V. ., Johnson, S. ., … Tregarthen, J. . (2021). Measurement invariance of the Eating Pathology Symptoms Inventory (EPSI) in adolescents and adults. Eating Behaviors, 42, 101538.
Bjorlie, K. ., Forbush, K. ., Chapa, D. ., Richson, B. ., Johnson, S. ., & Fazzino, T. . (2022). Hyper-palatable food consumption during binge-eating episodes: A comparison of intake during binge eating and restricting. The International Journal of Eating Disorders, 55(5), 688-696.
Chapa, D. ., Johnson, S. ., Richson, B. ., Bjorlie, K. ., Won, Y. ., Nelson, S. ., … Perko, V. . (2022). Eating-disorder psychopathology in female athletes and non-athletes: A meta-analysis. The International Journal of Eating Disorders, 55(7), 861-885.